Thursday, September 5, 2013

More Than Dirt

Sometimes you just have to know that you deserve better and treat yourself accordingly.

I'm tired of being treated like a commodity, I'm not a toy. I'm a person, and a lovely and loved one at that. And I don't deserve to be treated as anything less. I'm not just something that someone can come to when they're lonely or bored or needing and use. I'm deserve so much more. I am worth so much more than I've allowed myself to be treated as.

And sometimes it's really hard to stand up for myself like that. But I have to. I have to guard my heart. I have to protect myself from being treated like I am anything less than a child of the King of kings.

Sometimes you just have to delete the numbers. Delete the profiles. Delete the messages. And not allow yourself to be pushed around anymore. I can't allow these boys to have a say on my life, body, and heart any longer. And it sucks because at some point in my past I cared about each of them with huge parts of my being. And I have (and continue) to give them pieces of me, for them to throw away. But I don't deserve that. Their words mean nothing because their actions and their steps do not follow in line. I deserve honesty and sincerity and genuineness. And not this mess any longer.

I'm not dirt, I'm tired of being walked on.

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