Thursday, August 15, 2013

He's Here

I was trying to push my bible off my bed so I could get to sleep last night. It had been a long beautiful night. Me and God had our time, then I had some time with my homework and with my webMD. and by the time I fell into bed I was exhausted and somewhat doped up on benadryl and Jesus.

Anyways I pushed my bible off next to my bed and it fell open and all my papers and notes fell out and it landed opended in the last chapter of Zephaniah, a silly baby book in the Old Testament. And when I was trying to pick it up I noticed a note I had written a few years ago after speaking to a youth leader at my church, Kemp Otto. We we're talking about how much Jesus loved me, well he was talking. I was listening trying to wrap my insecure head around how that could be true. and Kemp read to me a verse in a way I'd never seen anyone read the bible. He encouraged me to personalize it. To put my name into the verse. To let God speak directly to me through it in a way I could understand better...
Liz, I am the Lord, your God. And I am with you, always. I am a mighty warrior who saves you. I will take great delight in you, my love. In My love, I will no longer rebuke you, but I will rejoice over you with my singing. (Zep. 3:17)
Then I realized, God doesn't want to be pushed to the floor when I'm exhausted. He wants to be right there. He wants to comfort me, He wants to share with me, He wants to cuddle me and love me and sing me to sleep with rejoicing, because He loves me that much. He just wants to sit with me and live life with me. He doesn't want a relationship where I revere Him like I would a celebrity. He wants the little moments when I'm exhausted and teary eyed and rashed up and broken and a mess. And He wants to love me, right there. And He's taking great delight in that moment, in this moment. In every moment. Cause He loves me. and You. He loves you too, that much, MORE actually. I hope you don't have to push Him out of your bed to realize that He's there rejoicing over you, protecting you, wiping your tears and Loving every moment of it.

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